Jekyll Tutorials and Git

I wanted to blog about creating this mini blog. I found a great guide after following several tutorials and messing around in the command line, installing/configuring gems, and debugging runtime dependencies. Creating this blog is a great example of what coding is about: A great exercise in problem solving. I learned more every time that I failed to correctly deploy the site. I learned a great deal about:

  • SSH Keys
  • Markdown
  • Configuring gems

I hope my students understand the idea that in order to become great programmers, developing a solution is just as important as the solution.

I am also including this entry because I think it will be a great way for my students to practice with Git.

Here's the tutorial to start blogging like a hacker.

If you want other "themes", you should follow all the steps above; however, replace the repository you fork with this or that.

Written on June 16, 2015